Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Kitchen


mommy dearest said...

House looks great (and the view is gorgeous). Did you find it difficult decorating since alot of your stuff was country home deco versus nice modern AZ home deco? Not that you need geckos and paintings of pottery on your walls though either. How 'bout southwest with east coast flair?

Anonymous said...

Everything looks awesome! I'm so glad you posted these pics so now when I think of you all I can picture it all! Don't worry, we'll send pics for those boards soon enough! :) ...maybe of snow!!!

The Soeder Family said...

Thank you both for your comments. Kate, I look forward to getting some pics, I think it will be a good way to keep the kids in the loop and be able to see their family everyday (even from 2400 miles away). Jess, the decorating was actually pretty simple. I sold/gave away/discarded a lot of the hardcore country stuff before we left. And, it's really amazing how truly versatile black wrought iron is. (you can fir it into pretty much anything, as far as I am concerned!!)

Anonymous said...

Hey gang. I just got caught up with your blog posts, and it looks like you are all settled in. The house looks great. If memory serves, the weather is getting pretty close to perfect now. (You'll be happy to know that the AccuWeather long-term forecasters are calling for a particularly cold and snowy winter here in PA. I already froze my baguettes off at Andrew's soccer practice the other night.) Same old here with the Barnicas. You were missed at the big Pine Grove Halloween Parade.

The Soeder Family said...

Hi Jay, and thanks for visiting. The weather is very lovely, and all in all, I would say that we are settled. I heard that snow was expected yesterday? EEEEKK! Can't say that I miss that weather in PA!! Hope all is well with each of you, and keep in touch!